Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm thankful, 2010.

A first married, white Christmas. First married New Year.

What a sight- blankets of white on Christmas night. That is certainly a first for this Florida girl. It's also a first to spend this time away from my clan...but so grateful to spend it with my best friend with his.

Surprising feelings over these Holidays. Surgery myself, visits to three dear friends who spent Christmas in ICU and a broken heart for one of my very best friends who lost her dear daddy just after Thanksgiving have left me in a state of overwhelming compassion and brokenness. A first Holiday season to be spent with a new husband left me with feelings of gratitude and excitement for all that is to come.

So what to do with this clash of emotion? I was reminded gently by a loving God this morning that His hand is in all of it, and He is not surprised. I can safely grieve and rejoice simultaneously, handing it all back to the Giver from whom it came.

After that realization, in rushed thankfulness in reflection of all that He allowed me to experience in the year of 2010. So here goes...

A marriage and start of a home with the man of my dreams and best friend.
Visiting another beautiful country- with my new husband.
Getting to be with a dear friend in her darkest hour.
New relationships with neighbors.
A new friendship with a sister in Gainesville that I have so deeply needed.
A brand new nephew.
A benign diagnosis.

Before I look ahead to the excitement of 2011, I must be thankful for 2010.